Shamanic Reiki Spirituality Retreats and Workshops

Shamanic Reiki Wilderness Hiking & Backpacking Retreats

Please join Dr. Toni and Chris Hemmerich for daily hikes and one and two night wilderness backpacking retreats.

Experience the spirituality of being in nature. Face your fears, doubts, and worries, and open yourself to the adventure. These hikes are filled with the empowering and peaceful energy of Shamanic Reiki.

Whether it is a daily hike, or an adventure sleeping in a tent, everything we need, we will carry on our backs. 

Experience what it is like to live with no anxiety and move through any fears. When we are on the trails, the anxiety of life is just not there. You are truly present, living in nature, cooking and eating your meals, drinking water from the streams and rivers, sleeping under the night sky, and expanding your reality of what you can do.


We can not guarantee the weather, or the conditions of the trails, or any creatures that we might encounter, but we can guarantee that this experience will enrich your life. You will push beyond limits, restrictions, and other social constructs and truly expand your perspectives of yourself and life. Create the life you desire, find peace, claim happiness, and thrive! Dr. Toni is Wilderness First Aid Certified and CPR certified. Chris Hemmerich, Shamanic Reiki Master, is also First Aid Certified and CPR certified.

New Beginnings: A Shamanic Hike. Creating the Life You Desire with Direction and Purpose

April 6, 2024, 10am - 2pm
Brandywine Creek State Park
41 Adams Dam Road
Wilmington, DE 19807
Cost: $160
We invite you to join us for a shamanic hike into the woods at Brandywine Creek State Park to discover and claim Direction and Purpose for your life. 

Spring is the season for new beginnings and the awakening of creative energies. The woods at Brandywine Creek are filled with Nature that is alive, dynamic and vibrant. The hike begins at Hawk Watch parking lot with a shamanic journey exercise to wake up the creative energies of the body and set your intention for the day.

We then walk into the woods and release old patterns, fears, blocks, and resistances. As we hike down to the Brandywine River, we stop along the way for meditative moments that bring awareness to the process. Peace, joy, happiness, laughter are naturally found in Nature and experienced as we move along the path. Get your feet wet at the river, a cleansing and rejuvenation for the soul. The climb out of the woods is a journey that acknowledges your gifts, talents, and creativity. Feel the energies of hope, motivation, and create the life desire.

We finish the day with refreshments as we process and celebrate our experiences.

Join us for a day of transformation, enlightenment and new beginnings.

Dr. Toni and Chris are Wilderness First Aid and CPR certified.

This Hike is Sold Out

The Mighty Magnificent You: Let's Create & Celebrate Success

Join us for a Mind, Body & Wellness Creation Retreat hosted by Dr. Toni Hemmerich and Chris Hemmerich. Learn how to experience peace and create the life that you desire.

Friday night bonfire and all day Saturdaydates TDB Spring 2024

We are powerful Beings. Our thoughts and intentions set the groundwork for the World that we create. The Mighty Magnificent You Retreat explores our doubts, fears, and negative thought patterns that may be causing unwanted experiences or situations in our lives. During our time together, we release fears and embrace our beauty, our strength, and our magnificence. We discover how to then create our World and life that we desire.

Bryce Canyon National Park Shamanic Reiki Backpacking Retreat 

More information coming soon!

This is a 3-day 2-night retreat: dates TBD Summer 2024

I spent time this past summer in Utah and Bryce Canon National Park. I loved it! I want to share the experience and the beautiful energy with you. If you have any interest or desire to be in Bryce next summer, start now to prepare. Grab a tent, buy comfortable hiking shoes and get in shape. Let's go!


The Authentic You: A Mask Making Workshop

Please join us for a mask making workshop designed to explore and discover the "authentic you." Identify the masks you wear and how to move beyond these masks and create the life you desire.

Masks are face coverings that are worn for protection, disguise, or entertainment. The purpose of the mask is to hide the face. You also use masks for emotional reasons. These masks are not a tangible object that you place on your face, but rather an unauthentic representation of yourself that you portray to the world. You construct masks, ways of being and acting, based on how you think the World “should” see you. You learn how to hide your true essence, your unique personality, your powerful inner Light, and your magnificent gifts and talents.

This workshop is designed to learn about the unnatural ways that you may show up in the world by encountering some of the masks that you show others. During our time together, we identify aspects of ourselves that are hidden and feels it needs the mask to hide or show up "small." Wearing a mask is not a natural state. It is actually uncomfortable. Doubts, worries, fears, and insecurities may cause you to be weary of showing your authentic self to others. 

The workshop consists of two parts. In the first part of the workshop, you identify and discover why you are wearing the mask. Working with a partner, you make a mask out of plaster apparatus. Removing the mask from your face, is a release of the unauthentic self that is ready to be seen and "shine." Using your creative gifts and talents, the second part of the workshop consists of decorating, painting, and thanking the masks.

It is time to explore and discover your authentic self with creativity and fun!

Interested in scheduling a mask making workshop?

Complete the form below to connect with Dr. Toni and scheduled your workshop.

Dates of Hikes: TBD
One Day Reiki Hiking Retreat: $350.00
One Night Wilderness Backpacking and Hiking Reiki Retreat: $500.00
Two Night Wilderness Backpacking and Hiking Reiki Retreat: $750.00

Join us and Recognize Capabilities Beyond Your Imagination!

You are invited to be apart of a magnificent, transformational journey. An experience that opens and empowers your creative process by facing fears, doubts, worries and pushing past limits and resistance. This journey is right in front of you; one that goes Within to find peace, wisdom, and happiness.

Stay in touch!

Sign up for news about upcoming retreats, workshops and courses.

A Word on Healing

The term “healing,” in this discussion, does not refer to a cure of a disease, but rather a process of personal life-giving transformation that is dynamic and occurs over time.