Transforming Guilt into Creative Energies
Apr 02, 2024
Guilt is not a productive energy. The emotional, physical, and spiritual pain of the feeling of guilt can block creativity and even paralyze the discernment and decision making process. The movement toward expansion and new ideas slows down when guilt is present. Guilt is not an emotion that leads to enlightenment or awareness. It is not a dynamic energy that assists with creating the life you desire. Instead guilt festers in the body, intensifying feelings of shame, regret, obligation, and fear.
Creative energies thrive on joy and love. The energies of joy and love promote transformational ideas and visions to flourish and be set in motion.
This shamanic meditation journey explores the pain of guilt in the body and offers a healing. Guilt is transformed into remorse, then forgiveness, and eventually the energy of love. The process is filled with the creative energy of joy.
I invite you to breath, relax, and participate in an exercise that transforms guilt into creative energies.
Join us and Recognize Capabilities Beyond Your Imagination!
You are invited to be a part of a magnificent, transformational journey. An experience that opens and empowers your creative process by facing fears, doubts, worries, and pushing past limits and resistance. This journey is right in front of you; one that goes Within to find peace, wisdom, and happiness.
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